Junichi Uekawa blogged about syntatically incorrect Build-Depends fields - lintian already checks for this:
he@nahar:/tmp/he/lintian-test$ grep -A1 Build-Depends test/debian/control
Build-Depends: package > 4.0, something [hurd, i386], other, \
he@nahar:/tmp/he/lintian-test$ dpkg-source -b test
he@nahar:/tmp/he/lintian-test$ lintian *dsc
E: test source: multiline-field build-depends
E: test source: bad-relation build-depends: package > 4.0
E: test source: bad-relation build-depends: something [hurd
The first error (multiline-field) is more common than the other two - though people think that they are allowed (and most tools can cope with them), the Debian policy
only allows multiple lines for the Description.